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Telefone: +420 606638183

Field Service Implementation for Construction

Construction is a business for tough men with firm handshakes who do things in an old-fashioned way and deal with every challenge head-on as soon as it appears. Or so it seemed thirty years ago when computers were a luxury, and the Internet was nowhere near its today’s efficiency. However, if you consider optimizing processes with a modern CRM - your business has already grown out of those old pants.


Modern-day construction business is about efficiency, profitability, speed of execution, and excellent performance. And Salesforce Field Service is a system that gives you all the tools to achieve these goals. 


The common misconception about such services is that they’re one-size-fits-all and won’t fit your business. Some of that is true because each business has unique goals and circumstances which require a tailored solution. And for that, there is Fansfactory - a field service management company with tremendous experience in the Construction industry.


Fansfactory provides Salesforce Field Service for construction suppliers, from A to Z. We determine the needs of your business in terms of workflow streamlining, modernization, and automation, to customize your Field Service suite. And we will follow the implementation process up to the very end until every last question is asked and answered. We offer immersive collaboration, continued support, and agile maintenance, the quality of which is guaranteed by our certified partnership with Salesforce in the Czech Republic. We provide field service solutions also for the companies in Slovakia, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Romania and Belgium

7 Strengths of Construction Field Service Management

Many businesspeople abide by the golden rule: if something works - don’t mess with it. The problem is that this rule stands in the way of any modernization. No one would trade a familiar, if not a too modern system, for a new one that does the same but with bells and whistles. But Salesforce Field Service offers many advantages besides modernization for the sake of it.

If you need a valid argument to switch from a heap of assorted applications and tools to an all-in-one solution from Salesforce - we have seven of them!

  1. No time-loss connecting disjointed apps. You will set access for every team, and they will be able to see all the info they need without requesting it from other departments or logging into other applications.
  2. Completely paperless process. There are several advantages to that, starting with fewer spendings on paper and printing supplies and ending with the actual time your employees waste on printing and reprinting documents. Digital files don’t get lost, so take that into account too.
  3. The intuitive interface of Salesforce Field Service allows to master it in no time, which decreases the time new employees need to spend on training. And you can add custom training materials to the system, which means that your employees won’t have to google anything.
  4. Mobility for field-workers. With a Field Service app for smartphones, your specialists can access all the required materials on the current call online. If they’re going into the area without service - all the tasks for the day can be downloaded beforehand to be accessible offline. No need to carry paper documents around - you can have everything on the tips of your fingers!
  5. A complete picture of your workforce’s performance. Field Service unites all your field agents and vehicles into a single system and tracks them. You can see the impact of natural and man-made issues on your fleet, like weather and traffic jams. You can track the time they spend on the road and how long it takes to get the job done. It allows better performance analysis to motivate the best and encourage the worst performers.
  6. Self-service is a perfect example of making money out of thin air. You’ve probably been in a situation where you know what you want and can do it yourself, but you have to wait until the specialist is available to do it for you. Field Service allows you to enable self-service options, which tech-savvy clients will use. They will appreciate the opportunity, and you will spend fewer person-hours for the same profits. 
  7. Remote service. Visual guided remote assistance is an option that’s still new to the Construction industry. The advantages are easy to see: if your client’s timetable doesn’t align with your field service agents’ availability, you can help them remotely. They won’t suffer the discomfort of someone entering their household and will fix the problem with their own hands while guided by professionals.

But what do the Field Service experts have to do with all these advantages? It all comes with the Field Service suite, right? It’s true, in part. All these options are available, yet to make them all work as intended - you need an experienced professional with knowledge of the industry. And Fansfactory has them in good supply.

Salesforce Field Service implementation for Construction business

We will suggest the key options for your business needs, and then the additional ones that might help the business achieve more and in less time. Next, we will coordinate the transition process and ensure that not a single byte of data is lost and all of it ends up in the right place. Finally, we will train your employees to use the service and explain the basic principles of its work to implement more features later if needed. 


Our Field Service consulting for your Construction company starts when we sign the contract and ends when every single question is answered, and your company runs like clockwork.


What makes Fansfactory different from the others?

As a certified Salesforce partner and a Field Service implementation provider for Construction companies, we have service and customer satisfaction standards that we have to maintain to retain our partnership. As a young company, we have monetary goals, which at this point can be achieved only through excellent business practices and building up a flawless reputation.

As a Prague-based company, we aim to support the European companies and provide them with the best services possible for an affordable price. Finally, as a team of ambitious specialists, we want to get to the top and stay there. And that’s the attitude with which we’re going to help you streamline your business processes and trigger future growth.